Construction Loan Fund Control Software and Project Management

Welcome to Weston & Muir. We provide construction lending and fund control software, with project management, for banks and other financial institutions. Our software was introduced in the 1980s and has progressed with new operating systems and data processing methods. It has all the capabilities that a financial institution requires for construction loans and other kinds of fund control loans such as SBA loans.

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For more than four decades Weston & Muir has provided financial accounting software. Our products are designed to meet the unique needs of financial institutions and builders.

Weston & Muir works with bankers and builders to meet the challenges of modern construction projects. By combining our banking experience with our expertise in software design and databases, we have created advanced and reliable systems that zero-in on solving specific problems. We are the Banking Software Specialists.

Bank construction lending and construction loan fund control software are different from typical software programs. For example, there can be no compromise in accuracy or auditability. With a former bank auditor on our staff, you can be assured that our software will meet your highest requirements.

Because bank software is specialized, it is unlikely that you will find a construction lending or fund control system at the local store. A generic accounts payable system isn’t likely to have the detailed functions that will support your budgeting, posting, disbursement, and reporting requirements. Our software products are designed to meet your specific needs.

Our systems were designed for bankers, developers, and others. We speak your language. We understand your needs and the way you do business.